Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#11 Recnac


I walked into school late on monday, and the day had not started well. My alarm clock
was set to p.m. not a.m., so my mom woke me up at 7:45. Then while I was eating breakfast I
spilt on my shirt and had to change as I was running out the door. When I finally got into the car
I looked at my mom as she struggled with the car.

“What’s going on?” I asked, “Why aren’t we moving?”

“It won’t start, go get your dad.”

“I’m gonna be late!” I screamed as I ran out of the car and up the stairs to our house.

After all of that I arrived to school at 8:09 and sprinted through the halls to class. I
walked in right as the bell rang, and looked to see if the teacher was there.

“You're late,” said Mrs. Frizzle.

“I know i’m having a bad day, and technically I was in class before the bell rang,” I said
making my way to my desk.

“The rule is if you're not seated you’re not counted.”

Whatever, it was only my second tardy this semester. As Mrs. Frizzle started the class I
looked for my best friend. She normally sat by me, and I didn’t see her in class at all. This is
weird she never misses school. Maybe she is at the dentist. I’ll text her later. Mrs. Frizzle is strict
about phones being out in class. The bell rang and I went to my next class.

“Hey you're here why weren't you in first hour I was looking for you,” I said to Amanda.

“Dentist,” she said with no emotion, and that's the weird part. She always gets in trouble
for talking too much, you can never get her to shut up.

“You okay?”

“My mouth hurts don’t talk,” she said.

“Okay,” I mumbled back.

The rest of the class was all quiet, and before I knew it it was lunch time. The day
hadden’t been all that bad except for my best friend not talking to me.

“Hey are you feeling better?” I asked Amanda.

“No,” she said.

“What’s wrong with her?” asked Cody, Amanda’s boyfriend.

“She had a dentist appointment this morning.”

“You didn’t tell me this?” Cody asked, “What’s up? You always tell me when you have
appointments or family stuff?”

“Maybe that’s the problem,” Amanda sneered.

“What? Did I do something wrong?”

“Yea you're always bugging me.”

“Amanda look at me,” Cody said as he tugged on her shoulder.

“Don’t touch me!” Amanda said raising her voice, “you know we should break up.”

“What?!” Cody said now raising his voice, “I don’t even know what I did!”

Amanda got up and walked away. Cody got up to follow her and I stopped him and said,
“Just give her some time.”

I think something is going on with her. Amanda has been acting weird for weeks now,
maybe her parents are getting a divorce. I should ask her what's wrong tomorrow.

The next day Amanda wasn’t at school this is so not like her. I feel like i’m losing my
best friend. I pulled out my phone to text her and before I even put in the password Mrs. Frizzle
screamed, “NO PHONES IN CLASS,” she swooped in and took it out of my hands, “IT’S MINE

“Why?” I asked, “I was just texting Amanda to see why she isn’t here.”

“NO EXCUSES,” she replied.

I got my phone back after school and totally forgot I was gonna text Amanda until I got



You Havent beeen at school

I no

Whats Wrong?


Don’t lie to me

Mind your own buisness

Your myy friend

I cant breath ur so clingy!


Whatever. If she is gonna be rude to me and everyone else, she can die alone. You would
think she realizes her attitude is making her have no friends.

I walked into school and over to my group of friends and Amy was talking, “I can’t
believe she did that!”

“What?” I said joining the conversation.

“I heard Amanda is starving herself.”

“She wouldn’t do that.”

“Really then why is she losing so much weight, and Mandy went to her house and heard
her throwing up.”

“Maybe she was sick...” I was trying to defend Amanda when she walked by to her
locker and Amy jumped in.

“Did you see her hair? What did she do to it?”

I couldn’t even say anything it was a different color and shorter. Her hair was always
silky and long always, but it was short and like horse hair.

“She is a different person this year,” Mandy said.

Amy said, “Yea, I’ve noticed it to she’s mean.”

Amanda didn’t come to school for a month. I tried to go over, but her mom wouldn’t let
me in. I called and texted her so much she turned her phone off. Then I got an email from her out
of the blue, it said...

I’m Sorry,
I haven’t been the nicest person to be around lately. I know I’ve called you names and
said some, well... pretty mean things, but i'm sorry. I didn’t want to hurt anyones feelings. I
actually did this so it would hurt less. Here’s my why: I missed school and couldn’t hang out
because I had appointments. When my hair color changed it was because I did get a wig. I lost
weight, but not because I was starving myself I was really sick. I was diagnosed with severe
cancer a couple months ago, apparently I’ve had it for a while now and it was just catching up to
me. I pushed you guys away because I was going to leave you, and I knew it would hurt less if
you liked me less. I told my mom to send this email to you guys when I left because I felt bad for
everything I did. I really am sorry.


  1. That was so sad, the name made sense towards the end. I wasn't expecting that at all. Awe! I would hate if my best friend were to just disappear.

  2. The way you ended the story with the email explaining everything was a really great ending and it summed everything up very nicely.

  3. Wow good story I did not see that coming! Very touching and very well written. Nice tittle to cancer backwards!

  4. The dialogue and text is very realistic. I can just hear the girls talking like this in the hallway. Such a sad story. Wish Amanda could have opened up to her friends. :(

  5. I liked how you ended the story with an email, it really pulled the story together at the end

  6. This can be a very delicate topic to write about but you did a very good job describing what someone might feel like in that situation.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Great story, and I really liked the ending.

  9. I liked the ending of the story with the email, it really explained everything. Very good!

  10. Great ending! Thank you for explaining it.

  11. I like how you ended it. Sad that she didn't talk to her friends about it.

  12. I like how the ending explains all that was happening throughout the story.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Omg 😢 This was so sad I don't know what I would do without my best friends they mean the world to me

  15. Good ending and good dialogue.

  16. This story was very original, nothing like anything else our short stories have been about.

  17. This story is sad, but I really like the dialogue. Overall, it was good!

  18. The fact that you could describe what's happening from the eyes of a bystander, without eluding to the cancer until the very end, really makes this story memorable. It was quite introspective and really made me think about how we don't truly know what's happening in someone's mind, and not every situation is the same.

  19. Cool story, I really liked the plot and the characters

  20. I like the small hints throughout the story and how it all comes together in the end.

  21. It was a really good story and I liked how it dropped hints the whole time throughout the story

  22. I really like the plot, good story.

  23. Very good at using hints that you don't realise are there until you finish the story.

  24. I really liked the title of the story and then big plot twist at the end. It was very sad but overall a good story.

  25. Great Story, makes you really think about how you should act around others.

  26. I liked the end when it explained everything. This was also so creative!

  27. The ending was really sad, and you had good dialogue.

  28. That was so good and sad at the same time!

  29. Very good story, and I liked that you kept dropping hints through the story.

  30. This was really sad. I was kind of thinking something like that was happening when she was pushing people away, but I didn't think it was going to be cancer.

  31. I liked how the ending explained everything.

  32. This was absolutely heartbreaking because it was so realistic. This is actually pretty common when someone knows they're going to die, they push people away and don't want to tell anyone they're sick because they don't want to burden other people with it. This hit very close to home because of my dad, he didn't tell anyone that he had cancer and basically shut the world out except for me and my siblings. So from witnessing this first hand, I can definitely say that this story was very realistic and close to how it happens in real life.

  33. Very sad ending, but can tell you put a lot of effort in it.

  34. I love the story and very sad and great ending

  35. Great story and amazing ending.

  36. such a good story with an amazing ending to it. very sad tho

  37. Nice story sad ending

  38. Good details. Very realistic

  39. So a girl was hiding the fact that she has cancer, only to try and push people away so she can protect them? Heh, thats sad.

  40. Ah, why would you push the people away! I mean I get her reasoning, but I'd be furious as her friend and even more sad than I would have been if she had just told me!
