Monday, January 30, 2017

#9 Missing Child

My name is Miles Fitzpatrick, and I’ve always felt slightly out of place. I live in a small town in Illinois. I don’t look like either of my parents - my mom is short with jet black hair, and my dad is slightly taller, a little stocky, and has dark brown hair. I, on the other hand, am tall and lanky with blue eyes and hair so light you’d think I bleached it. They always told me that I took after my grandfather, Harold J. Fitzpatrick, although I never got to meet him. My parents say that he was a decorated war hero and very widely known.
Some days it bothers me more than others, and today is one of those days. I inform my parents that I am going to go to the library and do some research on my grandfather. As I google my Grandfather’s name, my heart starts pounding. I am desperate to see a picture of him, I feel as though it will give me a sense of belonging. Oddly enough, I can’t seem to find any articles, let alone any pictures pertaining to him. I shrug it off and head home, thinking that maybe I can find some photos in our family albums. My mom likes to scrapbook in her spare time, so I’m sure I can find at least something.
When I get home, I find a note on the table saying that my parents went out for dinner and will return later tonight. I crumple up the paper, toss it in the recycling bin, and head for my parent’s room to look through some scrapbooks.
I look through all of the scrapbooks on my mom’s shelf but come up almost empty handed except for something that I gradually came to notice. There is not a single picture of me at any age earlier than six. Although that seems very bizarre, I just tell myself that maybe my parents couldn’t afford a camera until then.
After striking out on the shelves, I decide to look under the bed to see if there’s any that maybe couldn’t fit on the shelf. To my disappointment, there isn’t another album, but there is a big, dusty box with a newspaper clipping hanging out of it. I open the box and there are about twenty newspaper clippings with “Missing Child: Bring Ethan Home” printed at the top. It takes me just a moment to realise that they are all the same pictures and all for the same child - and that child is six-year-old me. I hear a thump and I turn around to see my parents standing in the doorway, blocking the only way out.

“Hello, Ethan,” they say.


  1. Did not see that plot twist

  2. Wow. I was not expecting that, but it was so good!

  3. I like how he figures out he is missing and his parents catch him

  4. I loved the turning point in the story when he finds out about being some else's child, and also how it was foreshadowing the ending throughout the story.

  5. That is the biggest twist I have seen since they invented the twister!!

  6. Big plot twist did not exspect that tot come up and the kid be missing.

  7. I would love to know what happens next! Does he run? Does he confront his parents? Do they apologize? Does he try to find his birth parents? This story definitely kept me interested and gave me a lot to think about afterward.

  8. I liked the plot! It was shocking that he is a missing boy. Very good story.

  9. I wasn't expecting a missing child, but it was great, although I'd like to know what he does

    1. the title is literally missing child

    2. But you kind of forget that when you're reading it.

  10. I like how you don't know what happens next. Nice story

  11. The plot twist makes me wish there was more to read. Good story.

  12. This story really shocked me. There was a huge twist to it and I really liked it!

  13. This is reminds of of the story, the girl on the milk carton

  14. Nice plot twist! Did not see that coming.

  15. I like how the main character not only just received life changing information, but also how the writer kills any hope of his escape with the ones he used to know, but are presumably monsters in his eyes now.

  16. The plot twist was very unexpected and very well written

  17. Very big plot twist and didn't expect the ending at all and it kept me interested the whole time

  18. Great plot twist!

  19. That was a really good ending.

  20. I did not expect the ending at all. I really want to know what happens next.

  21. Incredible plot twist, great suspense.

  22. Cue X-Files theme song

  23. Great plot twist! I love how it keeps you wondering what will happen next.

  24. Great story, well written too.

  25. Well, that's and awkward situation at the end

  26. Woo Bro, wicked story bro. Loved the twist at the end bro.

  27. The ending was so good. That plot twist though!

  28. I liked the details you put in your story

  29. Big plot twist did not expect that to come up, and the kid is missing.

  30. Really liked the plot twist. And how the ending is a quote!

  31. Very cool plot twis

  32. Very nice plot twist, definitely wasn't expecting that.

  33. This story was very well written, and I love how at the end, you have no idea what is going to happen next, I wish there was more:(

  34. Great plot twist, I love the ending when the parents come in very spooky.

  35. Wasn't expecting that ... plot twist was great

  36. Total plot twist but kept me interested.

  37. I loved the thrill of the main character slowly connecting the dots. The ending though is what really made it work.

  38. Life is never not a lie, as the main character finds out.
