Monday, January 30, 2017

#8 Mistreated


Have you ever just wanted life to be right again? Well that's how I feel and that is what I'm bout to tell you about.

It was a cold, cloudy night on the icy mountains. I tended to go outside where everyone couldn't see me. I didn't like how most people treated me and my sister. We always stood out under the deck of our big house. We lived in a 3 story house with a white picket fence. It didn't make much sense to me since it was only mom, dad, Julie and I. Almost every night after school, Julie and I would go under the porch.

It wasn't long ago that I could say that I had a happy family. Lately everything has been falling apart. Dad, always gone on business trips. Mom, stressed out over the payment of the house. While Julie and I took the blow. Mom and dad didn't realize that me and Julie weren't the toughest people in the ocean. Mom only realized this after she found Julie in the bathroom; a pool of blood around her. Julie is about five years older than me; I am only eleven and she was shaking furiously in front of me. I was terrified, the only person I trusted, the only person I could talk to, but Mom called an ambulance and sat there talking to Julie asking what was going on, but all Julie could do was stare back at her and shake. Mom started crying. I ran to the kitchen and got some towels and when I got into the bathroom I went to Julie. At first I was terrified. I grabbed her arms, realizing how cold she got, and I tied the towels around the opened skin. It didn't look like she had used a razor, so I looked in the sink. I found the piece of metal that she kept with her during the day, around her neck. Sharp sides, half of a heart that she had made for the both of us. I was wearing the other half.

After I got done tying the towels around her, I sat by her, knowing how cold and how sad she must be feeling. Then I looked into her eyes and she looked back. I asked her a simple question, “Julie? Will you make it through this?” She was just looking into my eyes when I noticed a tear roll down her face. I knew she was gonna try to make it, but I don't know how long she has.

Dad was gone, and it was just the three of us. I knew mom wouldn't leave Julie's side till the ambulance got here, and even then I knew she would ride along. So, I let go of Julie's hand. I didn't know that she had grabbed my hand until I was starting to get up. I ran to my room as fast as I could, grabbed my biggest blanket, not caring if it got blood all over it. My sister needed me, and I was gonna be there for her. I went back downstairs and said, “Here Julie, you need this more than me right now.” I set the blanket on her. Only then did it realize that there was more than just one cut. They were all on her thighs and the insides of her wrist.

I went and got more towels, it seemed that not only Julie was in shock, so was my mom. I tried to get her covered enough. Finally, we heard the sirens in the distance and we were all hoping for the best.

Three hours later.

I looked at my mom, “Hey mom?”

“Yes darling?

“Are we going to tell dad?” I almost started crying. I sat there thinking about Julie and if she would be okay after this.

Mom gave me a sad look. Her face was pale and she looked like the bags under her eyes have gotten bigger. She started bawling. She looked at me and said, “Darling, I.. I need to tell you something,” I didn’t know what to think. She went on, “It’s about your sister.” I didn’t know what she was going to say but I just looked at her, I had a feeling that whatever she was going to say wasn’t gonna be good.

“Mom, what is it?” She sat there for what felt like five minutes. She looked like she was trying to avoid telling me, like she would crush me.

“Darling, it's your sister. She past away about an hour ago.”

I stared at the ground for what felt like ages. I felt my world fall apart. Who was I going to talk to? Who was gonna be there for me when I needed her?

My best friend, my only sister. All of that seemed to matter all too soon. Now that there was none of that, I wondered what was gonna happen at school. Nope, I would definitely not tell anyone. For maybe if I did, they would just pity me more.

The next day at school I walked right up to Amber and told her to not mess with me that day, but like always, she ignored me.

“Well Jannett, maybe I would leave you alone if you were less of a nerd.” I had had enough of her already.

I had been through hell and back looking for a way out of all the drama and terror of going to school. For me, going to school was like going into a black hole, endless, and pointless.

I could still feel the sting on my palm from smacking her. That's when I decided that life is better when you live it to the fullest. Not when you think the glass is half empty, it's really half full.

So, my story has been told. There is only one thing that needs learned from this story. Don't bully. Don't make someone feel like the only way out, is through emptiness, leaving everything that was ever important to them, or anyone else. I guess now, someone can learn from Ambers mistakes. The death of my sister. The end of her happiness. The end of a happy family. Forever enduring what was once lost, can never be gained again.


  1. This story is so sad, and if you put yourself in her steps you can feel the pain. It was easy to get into the movie too. Good story!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not movie, short story*

    1. That just means you could visualize it really well. đŸ“½

  4. I really liked how you ended the story when you said "forever enduring what was once lost, can never be gained again".

  5. I like how you made it a lesson to bullies

  6. This hit me right in the feels, the details of the moment when she breaks the news is real good!

  7. Woah that was sad, it hit me right in the feels. I like the theme because bullying is wack yo

  8. Great story nice punctuation, and has a lot of emotion jerkers

  9. I keep picturing the sister cutting herself with that broken heart piece, and it breaks my heart. I hope students reading this know that there are other ways to deal with the emotional pain of being bullied.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It was a sad story, but very good life lesson. I hope people understand what bullying can do to other people.

  12. The message in this story is truly amazing

  13. Good to see such a good message that bullying is not ok be portrayed in a short story.

  14. The last sentence was great, a good quote to remember!

  15. I like how it shows what can happen with bullying, and that people may look/seem like they have it all together but don't. Nice story

  16. The best part was when she talks about how her and her sister were close, because not all siblings have that relationship

  17. The last sentence was really great!

  18. Sad story about how bullying can affect people's lives. Very Realistic

  19. This is such a sad story. I liked the lesson it taught.

  20. The story teaches a valuable lesson on how bullying can affect people's lives

  21. Very good at using emotions, very good message.

  22. Teaches a very valuable lesson. Good story.

  23. I really liked how realistic this story was. I liked how you did the ending paragraph, how you taught a lesson.

  24. This is a really sad story, and I liked the lesson.

  25. Great Story, well written and made out to leave a point, brilliant work!!

  26. I like how the ending of the story tells you why you shouldn't bully. Great message!

  27. I really liked how to left a lesson and what bullying impacts on people.

  28. I liked this story a lot. good lesson for people

  29. Brilliant life lesson.

  30. The story was very realistic!

  31. I liked that it gave a message. Very good story

  32. Very sad but great story.

  33. This story definitely hit me right in the feels, especially the part where her sister cut herself with the half of the heart necklace, I thought that had some great symbolism behind it

  34. This is a very sad but put together story.

  35. To me the most interesting part was when she stood up for herself towards the end.

  36. I like the sadness and how the bullying was put into this

  37. Very sad story but it was well put together

  38. This story really captured the harm of bullies from an outsiders perspective. It was sad, but it needed to be said. Good job.

  39. Her broken heart destroyed her, literally and physically. This story was HEART-breaking.

  40. This story did a good job at showing the perspective of someone who has had someone close commit suicide, rather than do it themselves.
